Intellectual Property Solicitors Sussex | Jonathan Lea Network

Whether you are an entrepreneur, start-up, SME or multi-national company, intellectual property rights (“IPRs”) can be your most valuable assets. Every business will own intellectual property. According to industry reports, latest data shows that in 2020 intangible assets comprise 80-90% of the value of S&P 500 companies.

If identified and protected properly, IPRs can give your business a competitive advantage in an increasingly competitive world.

What are IPRs?

In essence, IPRs are a bundle of individual rights covering trade marks, copyright, registered and unregistered design rights, database rights, patents and also know-how, confidential information and trade secrets.

Some IPRs arise automatically, but others need to be registered at the appropriate registry. They are also territorial, although there are International and European arrangements / conventions for making a single application covering multiple territories.

Securing protection will, not only improve your ability to stop others using or benefitting from your investment and innovation, but also enable you to exploit effectively your IPRs through, for instance, licensing, franchising, assignment and raising capital using your IPRs as security. Thinking about IPRs another way, you would not leave the front door of your home wide open when you go on holiday so why would you leave your most valuable business assets available to be copied.

At JLN, we understand the value of such rights, both as assets to evidence value as well as to generate revenue. We help clients across a wide range of sectors including media, technology, publishing, retail, manufacturing, fashion and luxury goods and creative industries such as film, design and advertising to design and implement effective brand strategies and intellectual property exploitation policies, both in the UK and worldwide. Our experts have practice rights in the UK, European Union, and United States and work with a carefully curated panel of foreign law firms in other countries.

Where a dispute arises involving IPRs, our goal is to explore your aims with you and to resolve the dispute as speedily and amicably as possible, so you can get on with your business.

We will always work closely with you to achieve your business objectives in as cost-effective and responsive manner as possible.

Our Areas of Experience

Acting for clients of all types and sizes we have gained particular experience in the following areas:

  • Acquisitions, disposals, mergers and joint-ventures involving IP assets or businesses with IP;
  • IP contracts including licences, assignments, security interests, franchising.
  • Acquisition, exploitation and prosecution of IPRs;
  • Raising share capital using IPRs;
  • Brand hijacking, phishing attacks, cybersquatting, logo abuse, false claims of affiliation to your brand and typosquatters;
  • Database rights and protection;
  • Defamation;
  • Trade Mark, design and patent registration;
  • IP portfolio management;
  • IP audits;
  • Renewal of trade marks, designs, and patents
  • Copyright, trade mark and other forms of IP infringement claims;
  • IP infringement actions and dispute resolution;
  • Domain name registrations, acquisitions and disputes;
  • E-commerce and e-marketing regulatory advice;
  • Freedom of Information requests;
  • Identifying and monitoring online intellectual property rights infringements and damaging content;
  • Image rights;
  • Injunctions;
  • Privacy issues;
  • Protection of trade secrets and confidential information;
  • Non-disclosure and confidentiality agreements, breach of confidentiality and theft of trade secrets; and
  • Take-down services and cease and desist orders.

Our Intellectual Property Team

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However, please be aware that the free 20 minute call is at our discretion. If you are more looking for advice and guidance on an initial call, we may instead offer a one-hour fixed fee appointment instead.


Our fixed fee appointments are between £200 – £300 + VAT depending on the seniority of the solicitor taking the call.

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